So much time to prepare it and we're back, exhausted but happy. If a conclusion can we draw from this recent BIT in 2016, is that Ebantic she is serious and that the people we start to recognize.
BIT-2014, all were doubts and the staff we said unceremoniously: – What value you have in setting up a company with which it is falling... – Look at that getting tangled up the blanket to the head in the middle of a crisis... – And what it is that you sell them? – You have more than difficult!! – Is going to be difficult for people to buy.
These were common feedback that we received it two for two years when we decided to create our first booth at our first show. And in addition it was difficult to explain our vision. Just took a few months of life, and still we were looking our way and especially our message. As you can see, the feedback was quite pessimistic, although we must also take into account that the general atmosphere of the show was not to brag. We were still playing the background in an industry that had been punished severely by the crisis.
But this year things have changed. We have received compliments, expressions of support, recognition for work done during these two years, and even part of a prestigious award for a project in which we have worked with integrators and manufacturers of the first division.
And our message has changed. If two years ago people barely understood our discourse, in this occasion has been the opposite. We have stopped talking about BPMs, we leave them for the super user and the freakes like us, and now we talk about data and information for the business. In this era of BigData, where all the companies are focused on to obtain performance data, we concentrate on what we might call ‘SmallData’, in the analysis of operational data, for users, for the operators, for the people who need to take the work forward day to day. We offer the information they need at the right time and in the most efficient way possible. And, if there is one thing we know, is what the users need, as we have been for many years.
In this line, and in the same BIT, we had a conference with Antonio Board, Director of Operations of FOX. It was all na experience speaking in public, in front of the customers and the competition, of course all you friends. As I'm not sure that grabasen the talk in video to publish later on, I promise to write, in a few days, a BLOG POST explaining the main ideas. Already I will be sending a communication as I have it ready.
And speaking of the BLOG... let me talk a moment about my book. Of this project that I started 8 months ago with a lot of doubts about whether it would be able to keep it, if the subjects would interest someone and if that someone would read beyond the first paragraph... One of the pleasant surprises of this BIT 2016, on a personal level, is the number of colleagues who have come to tell me that you follow me, you read what I'm posting, they love the way of writing, many congratulations and follow along this path. From here I want to thank these samples support that you have given me. It has been a pleasant surprise since the feedback virtual through comments is not very large, and it is that technicians tend to be frugal in words. But it seems that, although the web page has a few comments, follow-up by the public is quite large, and those who read some posts tend to repeat!.
We will follow this path. With this show we have established ourselves in the industry and we want you to continue talking to us. We have new signings that come from playing in the Champions league and we're going to stomp. We believe in the team and in our capabilities. Many thanks to all for the support and I am confident that we will not have to wait for the next BIT to come back to see us. You know where we are, especially if we can destroy you a hand!
At ebantic we help our customers to take strategic decisions in real-time.