When faced with a project, do not forget that in the same involve aspects of a different nature, which arise from the objectives of the recipient hereinafter referred to as client, available resources, constraints, and environment in which it takes place.
A project has different dimensions, technical, economic, commercial, and strategic
The technical dimension refers to the adequacy of the result of the same to the client's objectives, to monitor which meet your requirements or stated another way, which would satisfy the needs for which the project was commissioned. All of this is based on the monitoring and enforcement of the documentation of consulting and drafted functional project.
The economic dimension the project involves the aspects of cost and revenues of the work performed, on the one hand, allow the outcome of the project is economically reasonable and, moreover, to make the cost of the resources used by the project team does not exceed the earned income. In summary, to control the deviations of the project. A system of control and monitoring of the project is based on the use of control tools type Scrum or Kanban where you follow all the tasks to be performed and the deliveries of the same. A project where not meeting deadlines is a project that tends to your deviation.
All project also presents a commercial dimension for the company and its team that develops it, that gives you an image with the client and with the potential customers. The success of the project, is an experience for all, the promotion and ease of reuse. All of this is linked to the strategic dimension, since all success implies continuity.
The aim of the whole project, not only to obtain an economic benefit to spot, it means acquiring knowledge with the technology, to share to be at all times, a competitor, and agile.
A practical example would be to create a project where we are asked to create a portal of news for a string of television. The technical dimension would be a series of screens and access controls where users can create, access information and other features such as integrations with other systems, that is to say, to implement all those sections required by the client and agreed upon in the functional plan.
The economic dimension you are in control of the costs and revenues of the same by tracking strut of the tasks to run, to control the resources, time and terms of delivery.
Dimension strategic and commercial would aim to commercialize similar projects, taking advantage of the experience and in this way strengthen the company's position and recognition in the industry.
At ebantic we help our customers to take strategic decisions in real-time.