Exploration Technology

We work in the development of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality and virtual reality, which can revolutionize the processes of our customers and open up new business opportunities.

Pilot projects and Prototypes

EBANTIC LAB leads the creation of prototypes, and the deployment of pilot projects that allow us to experiment and validate disruptive technologies before its commercial release.

Development of tools inclusive

Integration of specific functionalities such as auto-captions, stories for people with visual disabilities, interface, easy navigation, etc

Impetus to the Innovation of all the Units

The innovations developed in EBANTIC LAB enrich our other units, creating a continuous cycle of improvement and keeping us at the cutting edge of technology.

Drives innovation with our IT services

In ebantic we help our customers to take strategic decisions in real-time.

Innovation and Technology for the Future

EBANTIC Lab it is our research and development unit, where we explore the frontiers of technology.

It is the center of innovation of the company for to anticipate the future needs of our customers and strengthen the technological capabilities of our other business units.

From artificial intelligence until augmented reality and virtualour team of experts works in the design of innovative tools that solve complex problems and open up new possibilities for companies.

In EBANTIC Labwe create the future today, so that our clients can lead in their respective sectors.

We explored new trends

Dedicated laboratory experiment

Design and refine tools

Meet current and future needs of our customers