When some years ago I read the biography of Steve Jobsthere was something that made me reflect. In various parts of the book it is said that one of the points differential of Jobs was that he lived in the intersection between technology and the humanities. He himself said that creativity is at the intersection of these two streets.
The truth is that this quote made me reflect on my own training that I had at that time. I had always considered myself a person of science, I learned everything that I know of television from experience, and because of the greater I decided on reciclarme in the direction of companies to be able to launch my own company. He had always considered that the humanities were very far from me, and perhaps the time had come to see that there were in that street. Surely I was missing something important in this life and was still on time to look at it.
My business training got in the UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya) and with this I could combine my work with the study. The experience was entirely satisfactory at that, following my intuition, a couple of years ago I enrolled in the degree of Humanities, and here I am, discovering the differences between the Gothic and the Romanesque architecture during the Middle Ages. What does this have to do with the management software of tv that we do in Ebantic? For surely nothing, but I am convinced that a training in the Humanities is basic to the formation of the person, to know our history, of humanity, and be able to have more discretion in our future decisions. It is a pity that in the current training of our young people are not given the importance it has. In the last century, the formation was to be able to work in factories and to be competent in technology. In the future, in which we are already immersed, I think the training has to spend more for these disciplines that help to form us as people. History, Art, Literature, And Philosophy. The work of the factories already do and so will the robots.
And as I get to the goal that I had to write this post. Now we begin a new year we set new intentions, challenges, goals, desires. And I think that one of the important training is. In the world in which we live is very important to the continued training. We have to retrain continuously, learn new things, to become more competent at work or simply to enjoy the knowledge. Why not sign up to Humanities, or to seriously consider the topic English?
The UOC has created an infographic with some tips to achieve these goals of 2016.
Step 1. Make a list of what you want to achieve. And I advise you to make a list the old-fashioned way, with a paper and a pencil. I don't know why, but when you write things down with a pen and paper, it seems like that I reflect more, interiorizo better.
Step 2. Writing, of each point in the list, because you've chosen that desire and what that gives you. There are to consider whether the desire is worth it or not, that is going to help us and discover if you really are real wishes.
Step 3. Reread the goals and pick 3 that are a priority. And do it with enthusiasm. It's not worth want to go to the gym if it is not really what I want. Ilusionémonos by our projects and let's leave the way open to our intuition.
Step 4. To establish the methodology to fulfill our dream. Who, whom, how, and when. There are to draw up a plan, then stick to it. Planning is essential. And let's face it that if we did not frustrate. To say that I'm going to study 4 subjects of a race when I'm working 10 hours a day is a direct path to failure. There are specific, organize, itemize.
Step 5. Place your list in a visible place you see every day. Only with the daily vision of your goals and the methodology you'll be able to succeed. The madness in which we are immersed, we eat, and in the third week of January already don't remember what you thought of this one in January, when the illusion made you think about the good purposes. There is to be mindful of your goals consistently, and to remember the reasons that pushed you to raise them.
You can get it. Happy 2016!
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