Ebantic participated in the presentation on AI in the fair Mercat Audiovisual de Catalunya MAC2023.
Carles Ramshe explained the advantages of the AI, considering it as the fourth industrial revolution. We are in an initial moment in which the uncertainty and worries overwhelm us with information.
The AI Generative should not be seen as a threat, but as an opportunity. The AI does not seek to eliminate jobs, but rather to optimise the content that we generate. In terms of the digitization of processes, we refer to its optimization, and the AI is a new stage in this optimization, a step further.
According to our experience in the implementation of systems such as ChatGPT in the newsroom, we believe that this tool generative is not useful for the initial creation of content, as it is based on existing data to generate original content. Currently, we are not saying that by using only 4 words, we generate a text automated to publish, since it does not contrast the text generated, which forces the writers to extra work and loss of time to review the source, the accuracy of the text and the style of writing. Our experience tells us that a system such as ChatGPT helps us to create a structure, it is useful to summarize a given text or even to perform a translation, where the review required, shall be the lesser.
Each day that passes accumulate more and more content to any medium or firm. The volume of existing information and new exceeds the capacity of the employees to index it. The emergence of AI is an advance course in the classification and indexing of content. The use of tools and algorithms represents an optimization of the time for employees, and even an improvement. This means that with less time, better results are obtained, which allows you to have more time for other more productive tasks.
At ebantic we help our customers to take strategic decisions in real-time.