Efficiently managing a television

A tv, as small as it is, requires a few processes at the level of the business to ensure the emission, both of the programs as elements of continuity, and, above all, advertising. This includes the management of the catalog of content, rights and their sell-by date, the preparation of the grill, the pattern for the playout of the onLine platforms and, of course, the certification of the advertisement issued cross-GRPs to be able to generate the invoice. In the end, a tv channel is like any company, a business, and you need tools to optimize their processes.

In the value chain of a traditional television we could contemplate the following business processes:

And the relationship (automated or manual) with the following systems, whether internal or external to the chain:

One of the most common situations that we can find in the televisions of our country, is that the management of the catalog of content, the grills and the emission guidelines are performed using manual methods and tools of office excel or word. This type of tools can work in small environments, but when the tv station takes a certain dimension, especially in advertising, the business requirements become more demanding.

The Broadcast Management System (BMS) or commonly called Traffic systems, are able to manage all these processes, and the relationship between them, managing to maintain the consistency of the metadata during the entire life-cycle and integrating with the different systems involved. These solutions are cross-cutting to the organization and therefore used by different departments depending on the point in the cycle of life in which we find ourselves.

In following posts I will be analyzing each of the modules usual that we can find in a system of Traffic.


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