Born Stream Pack, the comprehensive platform of streaming in the form of pay-per-view for the sector of culture and entertainment.

Companies Createl, Watchity, Ebantic and Koobin, have partnered to jointly develop a solution for the production, the distribution of streaming, the management and the exploitation of cultural content and entertainment. The festival Season High already has relied on Stream Pack for creating your own platform contents.

The pandemic has accelerated the digitalization and this has been much more marked in the cultural sector and the entertainment. Taking into account this context, is born Stream Pack. This service offers the possibility of creating streaming platforms to manage both content live and pre-recorded.

The application of Stream Pack specializes in the production, issuance, management and monetization of entertainment linked to culture and entertainment. Its mission is to give coverage to both shows, as to formations, events... The platform Stream Pack allows for the incorporation of innovative formulas and participatory as enabling spaces for networking virtual.


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